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If you ever wondered what is going on behind the scenes of the boundcon custom photo shoots (cps) this is your change to see! this video is from one of my cps's during the third boundcon, way back in 2006(! - Note: this update went live in 2014; this video was shot eight years ago). I get to play with yvette costeau (miss bdsm 2013) and jill diamond. usually I enter a cps with no predetermined plan, as was the case in this situation. Slowly starting with a simple gote I hope the vibe from the ***** will get my creativity flowing, it did and together we build a scene that is simply stunning and fun. on a personal note this is bringing back memories a lot has changed since 2006, most notably I have grown in my style of tying. But after seeing this cps again even I am impressed with what I do and how I do it and a lot of kudo's go to yvette and jill... Although as you can see in the video they seem to enjoy themselves, lots... I hope you do too!